Dinosaurs pretty much spent their lives eating, at least the large ones. the only excitement came when they were hunted or attacked by meteors.
Archive for Comic
I like muffins, especially banana nut.
I’m a little afraid of Obamas pen he seems a bit imperious.
I know it’s kind of a creepy comic but what the hell I think it’s amusing.
This is one for the stoners.
Al Gore has always struck me as being pompous  and condescending. You’d think if he really was convinced of global warming he wouldn’t be putting on layers of fat like a bear preparing for hibernation. Just saying.
One of my favorite things is when people attach human emotions to inanimate objects like when you think an old toy feels bad because you don’t play with it anymore or when they do it with their pets. “Don’t make[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I know it’s not the most sophisticated humor but  I’m very immature.
This basically a cat cartoon but without any cats.
I actually have no problem with someone smoking a cigar, I’ve smoked them on occasion and like the smell of a good cigar. What I find objectionable is people that think smoking cigars makes you somehow more manly. I don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…