Cats are clever sneaky creatures that lure you in with their purrs to make you take care of them, while all the time there plotting world domination.
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Notorious Cracker Boy is so evil that I wonder how I can continue drawing him. He has absolutely no redeeming qualities which is actually, ironically, his best quality.
I still like the books even though every time I get to like a character Martin decides to kill him off.
If someone wants to marry a person they love who is anyone to deny them that right.
The advent of Peeps was what made Easter for me.  Nothing sez Easter those marshmallowy  chicks,
Hey, the Easter Bunny Bat makes as much sense as the Easter Bunny.
How did the Easter bunny ever come from celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus? Oh well it’s another mystery like how does Santa Clause fit down a chimney.
When is a joke not a joke? When it’s Dada.
I love long walks as long as thee not interrupted by talking inanimate objects.
leprechauns evil scary creatures. I’ve seen the movies.