I love happy hour, a nice martini or two and I’m very happy.
Archive for Comic
Even silverware guys like to look at girly magazines. It is a transpecies behavior that women will never understand.
I take some of us a little longer to settle down.
When I was a kid we trapped squirrels using a box and a stick. Later we did the same thing with refrigerator boxes but we trapped little kids using candy. I bet it would work with some adults I know given the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I wonder who thought it was a good idea to mix exercise with drinking, I have a hard enough time having a beer and working in the yard,let alone ave several beers and trying to run but maybe I’m a light weight.
This is a cautionary tale for those who are quick to judge other peoples actions. I don’t think any of us wants to end up like poor little Timmy.
My wife once told me that puns were the lowest form of humor and so I use them whenever possible just to annoy her.
The evil that Notorious Cracker Boy is capable of never ceases to astonish me.
Alien Guy could only exist in a politically correct time such as ours. It’s kind of like the Emperors New Clothes story, except, no one will out him as an alien because they don’t want to offend him.