Personally I think we should let everyone alone to sleep with whoever they want as long as they aren’t bothering anyone else.  Hell my silverware draw is filled with spoons and forks mingling and it doesn’t affect me one bit.
Archive for Comic
The work place can be a cruel environment that’s why I choose to sit alone in my house and draw comics.
I’ve known people like Carl who can say the most outrageous things to women and never feel uncomfortable. They seem to have no self awareness and nothing they say no matter how uncomfortable it makes someone else feel seems to affect[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I always liked the Silver Surfer but thought the surf board was an odd mode of transportation. Evidently so did Alien Guy until he tried a skateboard.
They say coffee drinkers live longer or maybe it’s people who live longer drink coffee. It’s kind of like religion I’ll drink coffee to hedge my bets.
Joe is a little uninformed and doesn’t care. Â Â
I saw on the news that people who drink coffee live longer than non coffee drinkers. Now I can drink all I want because it’s obviously a health food. I am so wired right now I’ll probably live forever.
Chai Tea is the resident hippy, new age girl she is able to read tea leaves, kinda sorta, and is mellower than her caffeine driven friends.
Unlike most coffee cups Joe is an avid skateboard enthusiast, you should see his 1080.                           […]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Even vampires like fast food. I like the idea of vampires keeping small animals for quick snacks. You know you wake up and want a little snack so you dig into your cage and pull out a nice rat or gerbil[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…