I had a disastrous high school blind date that has soured me on the whole idea. Usually it’s well meaning friends who when it comes to picking potential love interests suddenly have no clue to who you are and what[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for Comic
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Larengitus is about the only way to shut cuddles up.
Cuddles is one of those annoying people that you suggest something to and they refuse to listen and then go and try what you said but they don’t let you know that they did it.
Cuddles is not always the most fun loving creature, He needs to get out more often.
I enjoy scaring children, though I think they’re a little to chewy to eat.
Wolfy has great hand, eye coordination It comes with being a werewolf.
I always thought that internet porn must have some value, leave it to the Alien guy to figure it out. Sorry I was gone so long had a death in the family.
I have always found that cats are more discreet than dogs when when it comes to crotch licking and there’s always that hint of envy.