Further proof that cats are completely self centered and only sit on your lap because you’re warm.
Further proof that cats are completely self centered and only sit on your lap because you’re warm.
I love cats the’re so stupid, they can’t use can openers even if they had one.
Outta Town this week, check out some of the older comix until I return.
I think that this comic proves just how romantic Valentines day really is.
I’m sorry. I’m a sucker for puns.
Weren’t the 60’s great you could abuse your children without fear of repercussions.
It’s always a drag when your parents find you doing something they don’t approve of even if your an adult.
If you can remember drinking decaf in the 60’s you weren’t really there.
Mr Cubano’s father was a foul mouthed old bastard and his son followed in his foot steps.