I love snakes because they have no hands to draw. Brain Fever Comix updated five days a week
I love snakes because they have no hands to draw. Brain Fever Comix updated five days a week
My best drawing ever. Brain Fever Comix updated five days a week
I’m Suspicious of all radishes. Brain Fever Comix updated five days a week
Fat stick figures, always funny. Brain Fever Comix updated five days a week
Anyone who uses the term Sporkey, deserves to be shot down. This was my first comic I’d like to think that the artwork has improved over time. Brain Fever Comix updated 5 days a week
Those HOA,s have really gotten out of hand lately. They can get your house taken away for all kinds of ridiculous violations like having your company car in the drive way or repeatedly leaving your garage door open or not grooming your yard to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…