Joe is a little bit of a throw back with his attitude toward women, I don’t think he’ll ever completely join the 21sr century.
Archive for Java Joe
Actually I’d draw Eric better clothes but he writes a blog for a living, it’s not like anyone actually sees him when he’s at work.
I don’t get guys who have those pink phone covers, maybe their girlfriends buy them for them to emasculate them. They figure a guy with a pink phone probably won’t be able to pick up any girls.
I remember having a communal shower in college but it was a lot more fun that this one.
Real men don’t drink herbal tea, unless they have a cold then Camille tea is quite nice.
Everyone dreams of making money writing on the web. It’s surprising how many actually succeed.
I learned my lesson long ago I never try to tell women what to do, I’m a much happier person for it.
You can tell a man by the coffee he drinks, this is damn good advice.
Are there any people left on TV who don’t have some plastic surgery?
Girls always want to talk about feelings and guys rarely do unless they think it will get them sex. It’s just one of the reasons there will always be a divide between men and women. It’s not a bad thing though,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…