Java Joe is like that pain in the ass kid who always tries to stir the pot. They always know the one thing to say that pushes your button.
Archive for Java Joe
I used to eat in dumpsterville. Â A long time ago I stayed on a farm and we would get food for our pigs from produce thrown out by supermarkets in their dumpsters. In those days a lot of the food[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I added a new character to Java Joe. Eric is the owner of the house that Joe and his friends live in. I felt that just having talking coffee cups was a bit limiting, OK, a lot limiting. Anyway I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Outta Town this week, check out some of the older comix until I return.
Weren’t the 60’s great you could abuse your children without fear of repercussions.
It’s always a drag when your parents find you doing something they don’t approve of even if your an adult.
If you can remember drinking decaf in the 60’s you weren’t really there.
Mr Cubano’s father was a foul mouthed old bastard and his son followed in his foot steps.
This is what happens when you don’t know when to quit while you’re ahead.