Al Gore has always struck me as being pompous  and condescending. You’d think if he really was convinced of global warming he wouldn’t be putting on layers of fat like a bear preparing for hibernation. Just saying.
Al Gore has always struck me as being pompous  and condescending. You’d think if he really was convinced of global warming he wouldn’t be putting on layers of fat like a bear preparing for hibernation. Just saying.
One of my favorite things is when people attach human emotions to inanimate objects like when you think an old toy feels bad because you don’t play with it anymore or when they do it with their pets. “Don’t make fun of my snake because I named it FIfi you’ll hurt her feelings”. PETS AND INANIMATE OBJECTS DON’T HAVE HUMAN FEELINGS! YOUR DOG DOESN’T CARE IF IT’S FOOD IS IN THE SHAPE OF A MUFFIN OR A COOKIE, IT’S JUST FRIGGIN DOG FOOD YOU IDIOT AND A TOY IS JUST A TOY, IT’S NOT LIKE” TOY STORY” Thanks for listening.
I actually have no problem with someone smoking a cigar, I’ve smoked them on occasion and like the smell of a good cigar. What I find objectionable is people that think smoking cigars makes you somehow more manly. I don’t see how sucking a tobacco shaped falice makes you a man. My idea of a man is someone who goes to work every day and provides for himself or his family. He doesn’t take welfare or go on disability if he is able to work. A real man works every day to improve his situation and tries to better himself and smoking a cigar has nothing to do with it.