Parents who give their kids bad names should be charged with child abuse. Of course this would eliminate a great source of comedy.
Parents who give their kids bad names should be charged with child abuse. Of course this would eliminate a great source of comedy.
All my nerd friends were never good at drinking. They were always over enthusiastic and tended to not know when to stop. Of course they’re also smart and eventually learned to pace themselves but it usually took a while. In the mean time there were lots of messed to clean up.
I just hate that Thanksgiving is now a shopping day. I don’t think that all the people who have sacrificed to keep this country free did it so we could have more shopping days. We ought to have a holiday where nothing is open and we can just enjoy a day without work, we’d be better off for it. I promise the next comic will at least attempt to be funny.
I hate that all of our holidays have become just shopping days. Many of my friends have to work this Thanksgiving and will barely have time to eat a dinner with their family’s, I’m all for business but sometimes they go to far chasing the dollar and forgetting whats important.