OK, this is a strange comic, I’m not sure where it came from. I certainly don’t condone any of the recommendations except for the cat one, well sex is good to, anyway here it is, enjoy.
OK, this is a strange comic, I’m not sure where it came from. I certainly don’t condone any of the recommendations except for the cat one, well sex is good to, anyway here it is, enjoy.
Remember in grade school how there was always that annoying kid that would copy everything you said? OK I admit it was me. These guys are worse.
I always loved that ” This is your brain on drugs” PSA and I like zombies, How can you go wrong combining them? I just read a Stephen King short story where a president gets attacked by zombies, so I thought why not throw in a zombie president, I think it’s  a winner.
Joe is a little bit of a throw back with his attitude toward women, I don’t think he’ll ever completely join the 21sr century.